Happy Monday one and all. Middle Tennessee experienced a totally glorious weekend which we have been impatiently waiting and waiting for! We enjoyed little league games in the sun on Saturday, and a picnic at Percy Warner Park on Sunday. Watching little ones play with absolute abandon brings to mind what is and isn't important in this life does it not? The sheer joy and happiness children experience should remind us over and over and over again to live in the present moment, to laugh more, play more, spend more time in nature where we can be renewed. We have been blessed with an amazing world.
Today has been absolutely gorgeous again. I was saddened to learn of the tragedy in Boston this afternoon. My heart goes out to all who were affected. This is just another reminder to enjoy each and every moment we are given.
I have been itching to make one of these tipsy planters since last year. We were in Home Depot the other day and they were advertising a class on how to make one. I knew I didn't need a class for this. I could figure it out. There is lots of information on line about how to do these. I went to Old Time Pottery today and bought these super bright orange planters. They also came in lime green and fuchsia. It was a hard decision, but I went with the orange because it goes with the rug on our deck. Everything is going to look very tropical this year in our out of doors decorating.
The tipsy planters can be made in any height using whatever size pots you want to use. You also need a piece of rebar that will allow you to go through all the pots you are using and be put into the ground about 1.5 to 2 feet. I wanted to put my planter at the end of the steps to the deck and I didn't want it extremely high. I purchased one large planter, a medium, and a small and a 4 foot piece of rebar. I have even seen these done with all the same sized pots. The good thing about using terra cotta pots is they already have a hole in the bottom to put the stabilizing rebar through. BUT, we have 6 grandsons and terra cotta pots are an open invitation to destruction by baseballs, frisbees, tennis balls, you name it. I didn't want to spend the money and time to see my tipsy planter go flopsy. So, I went with plastic.
First, Dan had to drill a hole in the bottom of each pot for the rebar. He does such a good job. : )
Next, I placed the largest pot where I wanted it to go and he used a hammer to drive the rebar into the ground. Line your pots up on top of each other so you have a general idea of how tall the tower will be so you don't put the rebar into the ground too far. It would not be easy to pull out of the ground.
Level the pot up and fill it with potting soil. Putting the soil in now allows you to place the next pot where you want it. Otherwise, there is nothing for it to rest on.
Angle the second pot whichever direction you want it to go. Fill the second pot with potting soil.
Now, place the third pot over the rebar and tip it in the direction you want it to go.
At this point, Dan hammered the rebar down below the rim of the top pot for safety. Next, fill the top pot with potting soil. I used an entire 1.5 cubic foot bag of potting soil for this project just in case you are interested.
Now, it's time to plant. I wanted really bright colors in my pots and I chose flowers for full sun. Be aware of the sun/shade situation wherever you put your planter so you buy appropriate plants. I chose red geraniums, yellow marigolds, red lantana, and hot pink petunias. Some of the plants will stand up, others will vine down. I wanted some vining vinca for the bottom pot, but they didn't have any today. I will add some soon because I want a vining plant to overflow the bottom pot. Here is how it looks with new plants in it.
I can't wait for the plants to get bigger and fill in the pots. All of these plants will bloom all summer in full sun. Isn't it so cute? I may have to build another one someplace (Don't tell Dan). They are just so fun and interesting.
This project didn't take all that long to do. The rebar was $3.50 at Home Depot and Lowe's has it too in case you don't know where to get it. It is used in concrete work, is unbreakable or bendable, and is usually on the far back aisle of the store. Make sure to use rebar because of it's strength. There is a lot of weight when you add the potting soil.
Pots are plentiful right now in all colors, shapes and sizes. Potting soil is also available at any garden center. Be sure and choose plants that fit the growing conditions for the location of your planter.
Now, I want to make another one. How about you? Let me know if you make one, or two, or ten. I would love to see pictures.
Everyday Donna
Things to Remember:
Bread feeds the body, indeed, but flowers feed also the soul. ~The Koran