So today, we are going to talk about making this rustic trellis. My inspiration came from a picture that I saw on a Facebook page for Two Women and a Hoe. Do you follow them? They post beautiful pictures with lots of inspirational ideas. Be sure and check them out. They have a landscaping business and have a lovely web page by the same name.
If you have never been to middle Tennessee (Nashville), you may not realize how much foliage and how many trees there are here. There are SO MANY trees and I am a big fan. Trees are free for the looking. They not only help us breathe by taking our carbon dioxide and emitting oxygen, but they add to the beauty of our lives. They give us shade, and comfort. Nothing like spending a summer day under a huge shade tree with your favorite book. This is our view from our deck. How beautiful to sit and watch the trees.

They rustle and blow in the gentle breeze or whip about and gnash in fury during storms, breaking and falling. Trees provide homes for many animals on our planet. Trees provide food, fruits and nuts, for us to enjoy. Fall foliage is a delight to behold with the leaves blazing gold, red, orange, and rust. Bare, solemn winter trees show us their skeletons and their inner beauty while we wait for spring to bring us beautiful blossoms and leaves once again. Trees are a true representative of the cycle of life and nature. As Joyce Kilmer wrote, "I think that I shall never see, a poem lovely as a tree." I couldn't agree more.
Many of the trees in our yard are well established - actually, quite old. Every time the wind blows hard, we get some big sticks dropped in the yard. We also have a ton of small sticks that have to be picked up every time the yard is mowed - that's a minor price to pay for all our lovely trees. As the limbs fall, Dan takes them to a pile at the back of our yard right at the edge of the woods behind our property. Woods = more limbs. : )
You know how you keep looking at something and wondering what you could do with it? All those fallen limbs had to be good for something besides fire wood. Well, here is the perfect solution. A very rustic, hand made trellis. It's easy to make and adds a lot of character to the yard. I was so excited to get started on it.
First, we picked out a bunch of limbs that were close in size for the vertical pieces and the horizontal pieces. (I can't tell you how many you will need, just choose quite a few. It all depends on the size and look you want.) Then, I laid them out in the grass to get the look I wanted.
I moved the horizontal limbs around a few times to get them in exactly the right place. Next, I used zip ties that I got at Home Depot. They are black and will not disintegrate in the weather. The colored zip ties will, so be sure and get the black ones for doing this project.
I started with the outside limbs first, where the horizontal limbs intersected with the vertical limbs. Using needle nosed pliers, I pulled the ties as tight as possible. After securing the outside limbs, I went up the inside limbs and secured those the same way. I used this method so the trellis would not get out of shape as I worked. It is easier than trying to work straight across each limb as you go.
After all the limbs were secured, I cut the long tails off the zip ties.
To hide the zip ties, I cut lengths of jute several yards long, folded each length in half and tied them around each zip tied intersection to give the trellis a more rustic look. Plastic does not always lend itself to "rustic" if you know what I mean.
The trellis looks like it is tied together with twine instead of zip ties. That is much better for a really rustic look. My trellis is about 6.5 feet tall and 4 feet at the widest point. You could make yours any size you want. The inspiration trellis from Two Women and Hoe looked to be about 3.5 or 4 feet tall. It was on a fence between upper and lower cross bars. Mine sits on the ground.
I knew the trellis needed "something". I had a grapevine wreath that I hung from one of the protruding limbs, but that didn't do the trick. Birdhouses. That's what it needed and I have a thing for birdhouses and birdcages. Michael's has lots of unfinished birdhouses that are quite inexpensive. I found two that I liked and painted them in bright colors to go with Mr. Drag N. Fly from yesterday's post. Dan put a couple of screws in them and I made wire loops to hang them with. Yes, that did the trick.
It was very exciting finding a bird house in the shape of a star (my other obsession). Aren't they adorable on the trellis? Our grandson wanted to know where the birds were for the houses. He always asks the hard questions. I told him we would have to wait and see if any of them could get a mortgage. He looked at me very strangely.
Today, we went to the Farmer's Market and I bought a vining plant called a candy corn plant that will vine up the trellis. The tag said it is quick growing - I hope! Most vining plants require full sun, but this one will work in partial sun. Our yard is very shady. We'll see what happens. The plant is called candy corn because it produces orange blossoms with yellow tips. I can't wait to see it bloom and grow.
Now, we have another little "meditation" garden spot that is so inviting. As the begonias grow, and everything fills it, it will be so lovely all the way to the first fall frost.
Take a look around your yard. How many natural elements do you have that could be used to decorate your outdoor living space? Don't throw away all those fallen limbs. Put them to use. Make a rustic trellis for your yard and decorate it to suit your tastes. Have fun. Be imaginative. Let me know what you make.
Everyday Donna
Things to Remember:
119. Trees
I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth's flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
Joyce Kilmer 1886-1918